
Are you looking to transform everyday items into beautiful works of art? Look no further! Trash2Treasure is your ultimate destination for discovering the artistic potential in items that you might otherwise consider disposable. With the power of AI-driven ideation and a thriving community of passionate artists, we’re here to inspire, guide, and celebrate your creative journey.

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AI TrashBot

Get creative with Trashbot! Enter materials and themes for instant, unique craft ideas, complete with guidance and material insights. Need more? Just ask. Happy crafting!

Step 1 : Gather materials

Discover the art in your everyday: transform household items you’d otherwise discard into masterpieces waiting to happen!

Step 2: Get ideas from our Trashbot!

Our AI reveals the hidden impact of what you’re about to toss and guides you through simple steps to repurpose it into something extraordinary!

Step 3: Share your Masterpiece!

Unveil your masterpiece to the world, spark inspiration, and join a community celebrating creativity and sustainability!

Community Artwork


Look at this cat I made out of cardboard!!! Did you know that even this small piece of cardboard would have had a big impact on the environment?


We’re the Glastonbury Goats from First Lego League, and we’ve kicked off Trash2Treasure to turn waste into wonder. Our mission is simple: make the planet better by turning what you’d throw away into art. Our website is a treasure trove of easy-to-follow ideas and guides from our TrashBot to get you started. Join us in our quest to rethink waste and craft a more beautiful world, one piece of recycled art at a time. Let’s create, save, and inspire together! 


Fun Facts about Trash/Recycling 

Did you know that you should wash your glass jar before recycling it, otherwise it gets rejected?

Did you know that if you put your recycling in a plastic bag, it might not get recycled?

Did you know that Styrofoam, Plastic Cups, and Plastic Film are not recyclable?

Did you know that every single material gets recycled in a different way?


We’ve had a fantastic time with Trash2Treasure, from neighborhood clean-ups to creating art from recyclables and exploring their positive impact. Our AI-powered website, a STEM highlight, empowers artists and eco-enthusiasts to repurpose household items into art, reducing landfill waste. It’s been an educational adventure.

Ultimately, we—kids and families alike—wanted to do more. Thus, Goats for Good was born, giving us a platform to expand our impact through new programs and initiatives.

Our Community Engagment 

  • Education in schools about the importance of recycling and how to have fun with it in arts classes
  • Fundraisers in the community to raise awareness and engagement
  • Support local waste management facilities
  • Raising money in support of Goats For Good Initiatives

Here are some key updates …

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